SUNDAY SERVICE: 9:30AM English; 11:00AM Indonesian

MISSION (the reason why we exist in the world): 

Transforming people to be gospel-centered leaders for Jesus Christ. 


VISION (the mental portrait of our preferred future)

A community of gospel-centered leaders who individually and
collectively engage with the world in the name of and for the
sake of Christ. 


VALUES (the guiding principle of how we operate)

Our values are reflected in the acronym AEIOU. 

Agility - Jesus is full of grace and truth, varying his approach to Mary & Martha, the Pharisees & disciples; so everything we do must be adaptable and innovative (not rigid and stuck in past successes).

Excellence - Jesus didn’t just meet us, he died and was raised for us; so we give our best in everything we do to reflect that despite our flaws and within our God-given limits to show excellence (but not perfectionism).

Intentionality - Jesus had a clear strategy, knowing when to do what when and how, training the twelve to carry on his agenda; so  everything we do must be strategic, contributing to the mission and well-executed (not half-baked or ill-planned).

Otherness - Jesus died for the ungodly and the church exists for the world, so everything we do must be filtered by other-orientation (not self-orientation)

Unpretentious  - Jesus lived and died for God’s will, sticking to it plain and simple until the end; so our programs, structure, processes must be void from any pretense to impress. In other words, they are simple (but not oversimplified), elegant (not messy), scalable (not fragile), and lean (not bureaucratic).