SUNDAY SERVICE: 9:30AM English; 11:00AM Indonesian

A Morning Prayer Before Work

A Morning Prayer Before Work

Heavenly Father,
As I embark on my life routines and must-dos today,
help me not to forget that I am not my accomplishments,
that who I am is not defined by the quality of my works,
and the ensuing nods and praises that people give me.

prayerGrant that the default mode of my heart
to prove myself, to please others, to perform even for You
is not dominating the way I approach my work today,
lest I worship the god of performance, yet again.

Plant my heart in deep in the liberating truth that
You love me because of who You are, not what I do.
My success or failure will never fluctuate that love,
For Christ died for me when I was still indifferent towards it.