SUNDAY SERVICE: 9:30AM English; 11:00AM Indonesian

ICC Devotional invites us to set a special time aside to read, meditate and pray over the Word of God, the Bible. Facilitated and led by Rev Christian Tirtha, minister of the Indonesian Christian Church.

Each podcast consists of reading a passage from the Bible, along with a brief meditation and thought to explain and apply the passage, concluded with a prayer based on today's message.

May this become a means to share the gospel of the Kingdom of God in Jesus Christ.

ICC Devotional mengundang kita untuk menyempatkan waktu khusus membaca, merenungkan dan mendoakan Firman Tuhan, yaitu Alkitab. Difasilitasi dan dipimpin oleh Rev Christian Tirtha, pendeta di Indonesian Christian Church.

Setiap podcast terdiri dari bacaan ayat dari Alkitab, diikuti dengan renungan dan pemikiran singkat yang menjelaskan dan mengaplikasikan ayat-ayat tersebut, ditutup dengan doa berdasarkan pesan hari ini.

Kiranya dapat menjadi sarana kita membagikan Injil Kerajaan Allah di dalam Yesus Kristus.


Christian Living

Back to Episode Archive

February 1, 2022

Kebaikan Terbesar

Series: Fruit of the Spirit Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Colossians 3:12

January 31, 2022

Kesabaran Tanpa Batas

Series: Fruit of the Spirit Topic: Christian Living Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:15–1:16

January 28, 2022

Damai Sejahtera Multidimensi

Series: Fruit of the Spirit Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Ephesians 2:14–2:16

January 27, 2022

Sukacita di Dalam Tuhan

Series: Fruit of the Spirit Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Philippians 4:4

January 25, 2022

Kasih: Sifat yang Pertama dan Terutama

Series: Fruit of the Spirit Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Galatians 5:13–5:14, John 13:34–13:35

January 24, 2022

Apakah Kristus Terbentuk di Dalam Hidup Kita? (Gal 5:16-23)

Series: Fruit of the Spirit Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Galatians 5:16–5:23

December 30, 2021

Mat 7:24-29 "Anda Bijaksana atau Bodoh?"

Series: Khotbah di Bukit / Sermon on the Mount Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Matthew 7:25–7:29

December 29, 2021

Mat 7:15-23 "Waspadalah!"

Series: Khotbah di Bukit / Sermon on the Mount Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Matthew 7:15–7:23

December 23, 2021

Mat 7:7-12 "Reaktif atau Reflektif?"

Series: Khotbah di Bukit / Sermon on the Mount Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Matthew 7:7–7:12

December 22, 2021

Mat 7:1-6 "Menilai Dengan Jelas"

Series: Khotbah di Bukit / Sermon on the Mount Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Matthew 7:1–7:6

December 8, 2021

Mat 6:1-18 "Hidup Sebagai Anak-Anak Allah"

Series: Khotbah di Bukit / Sermon on the Mount Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Matthew 6:1–6:18

December 6, 2021

Mat 5:33-48 "Apakah Anda Perfect?"

Series: Khotbah di Bukit / Sermon on the Mount Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Matthew 5:33–5:48

December 2, 2021

Mat 5:27-30 “Bebas Dengan Batas"

Series: Khotbah di Bukit / Sermon on the Mount Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Matthew 5:27–5:30

December 1, 2021

Mat 5:20-26 "Demi Siapa Kita Marah?"

Series: Khotbah di Bukit / Sermon on the Mount Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Matthew 5:20–5:26

November 30, 2021

Mat 5:19-20 "Dibebaskan Untuk Taat (Bagian 2)"

Series: Khotbah di Bukit / Sermon on the Mount Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Matthew 5:19–5:20

November 29, 2021

Mat 5:17-20 "Dibebaskan Untuk Taat (Bagian 1)"

Series: Khotbah di Bukit / Sermon on the Mount Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Matthew 5:17–5:18

November 23, 2021

Mat 5:3-5 "Siapa Kita di Hadapan Tuhan?"

Series: Khotbah di Bukit / Sermon on the Mount Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Matthew 5:3–5:5