ICC Core Leaders provide spiritual oversight for the church under the auspices of the Session of Scots' Church, of which Prof Sen Sendjaya is a member.
Sen Sendjaya, PhD. (Lead Pastor)
Sen (and his wife, Ly Fie Sugianto PhD.) planted the church in 2005, and serves as the Lead Pastor until present time on a voluntary basis, preaching expository sermons most Sundays. Sen is also the Director of International Ministries at Scots' Church overseeing ICC Melbourne. Ly Fie spearheaded the Sunday School ministry in the early days, and today serves as its Advisor. They are blessed with two children.
His day job is a full and tenured professor in Leadership at a university in Melbourne. Apart from his university research and teaching, Sen trains leaders in the church, corporate, school, and nonprofit contexts in Australia and elsewhere. He is the author of Leadership Reformed (2020) and Personal and Organizational Excellence through Servant Leadership (2015), among others.
Sen likes mostly anything preceded by letter C (e.g., coffee, chilli, cab sauv, calvinism), and dislikes his old self and bad coffee.
Benidictus Jobeanto (Treasurer)
Beni has been part of the church since day one. He and his family really enjoy serving God together with other like-minded brothers and sisters who strive to give their best wholeheartedly to God.
Since worshipping at ICC Melbourne, the gospel of Christ has significantly shaped his life and his family. He has learnt how to live in absolute surrender to God, and seen how God continues to sustain them through the people he puts around their lives at the church.
Beni and his wife, Vironica, is blessed with one child.
Andy Sentosa (Secretary)
Andy joined the church in 2010, and after serving in various ministries, he leads the Sunday School ministry as the Department Manager apart from being the Secretary for the Church Board.
He enjoys the church community where they can grow together and encourage each other. He and his family are always in awe to see hwo God works in the lives of many at the church. For Andy, ICC Melbourne is a gospel-centered church where every sermon reminds him of the perfect sacrifice of Christ on the cross that made him a justified sinner in the eyes of God.
Andy and his wife, Lanny, are blessed with two children.
Kezia Wijaya (Discipleship and Social Media Manager)
Kezia has worshipped and served at ICC Melbourne since 2015. She is currently on church staff on a part-time basis, leading the Discipleship and Social Media departments while finalising her theological study at Ridley College.
Though born and raised in a Christian family, Kezia personally experienced God first-hand at ICC Melbourne. The more she understands the gospel of Christ, the stronger her conviction of who she is in Christ. She feels truly blessed to be part of this God's family, enjoying the gospel-centered teaching, encouragement, prayer, and love demonstrated by his people at the church.