SUNDAY SERVICE: 9:30AM English; 11:00AM Indonesian

A clear evidence of the gospel changing our lives is a generous heart. Generosity takes many forms: investing our time fostering new relationships; serving in a ministry; showing hospitality by opening our homes, and joyfully giving our wealth.

Please consider giving generously to ICC Melbourne to support the growing needs of gospel ministry in Melbourne and beyond. There are 2 options to support us:

You can give online via Tithely by using the button below:
(Note: All Tithely giving incur 1.9% + AUD$0.30 fee per transaction)

Or, You can also give via bank transfer:

Account Name: Indonesian Christian Church
Bank Name: Westpac Bank
BSB: 033-009
Account: 277939

If you have questions or need further info, please contact our treasurer:
Benidictus Jobeanto +61 433 242 475.