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Sermons from March 2016
Back to Sermon ArchiveMarch 27, 2016
The Third Day: The Day Jesus was Risen
Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Mark 15:42– 16:8
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March 25, 2016
The Ninth Hour: The Hour Jesus Died
Speaker: Rev. Irwan Pranoto Topic: Khotbah Jumat Agung
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March 20, 2016
The Disciples and Their Suffering
Series: Disciples of Christ Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Mark 13:1–13
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March 13, 2016
The Disciples and Their Challenges
Series: Disciples of Christ Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Mark 11:27– 12:12
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March 6, 2016
The Disciples and Their Fruits
Speaker: Prof Sen Sendjaya Series: Disciples of Christ Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Mark 11:12–26
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