SUNDAY SERVICE: 9:30AM English; 11:00AM Indonesian

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Praying Boldly to God

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Praying Boldly to God

February 19, 2017

If God is all powerful, why we pray?

Series: Praying Boldly to God Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Luke 18:1–8

February 12, 2017

Show Me Your Glory

Speaker: Prof Sen Sendjaya Series: Praying Boldly to God Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Exodus 33:12–23

January 29, 2017

Praying in the Spirit

Series: Praying Boldly to God Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Ephesians 6:10–20

January 22, 2017

Saved to call Him Father

Series: Praying Boldly to God Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Matthew 6:25–34, Matthew 7:7–11

January 8, 2017

In Jesus Name, begin!

Series: Praying Boldly to God Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: John 14:1– :14

January 1, 2017

Restore Us, O God

Speaker: Prof Sen Sendjaya Series: Praying Boldly to God Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Psalm 80:1–19