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The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables
Back to Sermon ArchiveMay 26, 2019
The Pharisee and Tax Collector
Speaker: Prof Sen Sendjaya Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Luke 18:9–14
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May 19, 2019
The Persistent Widow
Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Luke 18:1– :8
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May 12, 2019
The Unworthy Servants
Speaker: Prof Sen Sendjaya Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Luke 17:7– :10
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May 5, 2019
The Good Samaritan
Speaker: Prof Sen Sendjaya Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Luke 10:25–37
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April 28, 2019
The Two Debtors
Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Luke 7:36–50
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April 21, 2019
Resurrection and God's Mission
Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Luke 15:11–32
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April 14, 2019
The Rich Man and Lazarus
Speaker: Prof Sen Sendjaya Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Luke 16:19– :31
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April 7, 2019
Politics and The Kingdom of God
Speaker: Prof Sen Sendjaya Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Mark 12:13–17
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March 31, 2019
The Dishonest Manager
Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Luke 16:1– :13
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March 24, 2019
The Weeds
Speaker: Prof Sen Sendjaya Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Matthew 13:24–30, Matthew 13:36–43
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March 17, 2019
The Tenants
Speaker: Prof Sen Sendjaya Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Matthew 21:33–44
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March 10, 2019
The Wedding Feast
Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Matthew 22:1–14
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March 3, 2019
The Talent
Speaker: Prof Sen Sendjaya Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Matthew 25:14–30
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February 24, 2019
The Mustard Seed and the Yeast
Speaker: Prof Sen Sendjaya Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Matthew 13:31–33
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February 17, 2019
The Sower and the Soil
Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Matthew 13:1–23
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February 10, 2019
The Hidden Treasure and The Pearl
Speaker: Prof Sen Sendjaya Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom in Parables Topic: Sunday Sermon / Kotbah Minggu Passage: Matthew 13:44–46
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